Shanghai Weitao automation equipment Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Lu
Tel: 15921758826
Address: 2312 Weiqing East Road, Shanyang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai
Testing of air permeability of fabrics and influencing factors of air permeabilityThe so-called air permeability test refers to the barrier effect of packaging materials on gas and other penetrants. The air per...
Leather seam fatigue strength testerTest range:It is used to evaluate the fatigue strength of the joints of automobile seat surface materials. Automobile seat surface materials (leather, synthetic leather, fabr...
Dry microbial penetration tester for medical protective clothingA large number of examples have shown that bacteria can penetrate shielding materials with dry organic or inorganic particles, such as skin scraps...
Synthetic blood penetration tester for medical protective clothing1. Meeting the standards:GB 19083-2010: technical requirements for medical protective masks;YY 0469-2011: medical surgical mask;YY / t0691-2008:...